Getting Help

This server is managed by the IT Services Group (ISG) in the Physics Department. For support please contact ISG DPHYS Helpdesk.

Services Overview

The following services are hosted on this server. Please use the links below to access the respective services.

The diagram below shows an overview of the services.

Data migration (backup/restore)

If you already have an existing InfluxDB running and want to migrate your data to our server, please follow the link below and create a backup using the method described. This will make sure we can import your data.

Getting started with InfluxDB

The instructions below should get you started interacting with InfluxDB using the HTTP API. Please refer to the InfluxDB API reference for an in-depth tutorial on interacting with the database. For additional information check out our readme page. Complete Documentation for InfluxDB can be found by accessing the official manual.

Our InfluxDB service is behind a HTTP proxy. You do not need to specify a port in the URL of the HTTP request, as the proxy service listens on the standard HTTPS port 443. The following InfluxDB endpoints are available via the proxy from within the domain. If access is required from outside the ETHZ network, please contact us.

  • URL:
  • Port (optional): 443

To query or write data to any database requires authentication, please use the respective database, user and password combination in your requests. You will receive a notification from ISG with the credentials upon database creation. Should you require another user for an existing database, please contact us, providing database, user and access permissions (READ and/or WRITE). Note: Access has to be approved by the database owner.


Use the /ping endpoint to check the connectivity and the status of our InfluxDB instance. This endpoint accepts both GET and HEAD HTTP requests.

$ curl -sl -I

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2018 16:17:38 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)
Content-Type: application/json
Request-Id: [...]
X-Influxdb-Version: 1.5.0


Use the /write endpoint to write data to a pre-existing database: This endpoint accepts POST HTTP requests.

$ curl -i -XPOST -u user:password \
  '' \
  --data-binary 'cpu_user,host=myhost value=0.64'

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content



Use the /query endpoint to query data. This endpoint accepts GET and POST HTTP requests.

$ curl -G -u user:password \
  '' \
  --data-urlencode 'q=SELECT * FROM "cpu_user"'

    "results": [
            "statement_id": 0,
            "series": [
                    "name": "cpu_user",
                    "columns": [
                    "values": [